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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  January 8, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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guard adopted nine thank you critical areas. at such times, advising ships to not leave port but surprisingly those areas do not include portion of the bay bridge where yetd's incident took place, today, the coast guard admitted does it not know why. >> that we do not know. >> technically speaking the raymar departed not from a dock but from an anchorage in the bai. we do not yet know conditions there, whit left or if it would have applied. the bay's list appears to need tweaking. >> like i said i think it's an area, the whole area around the bay bridge should be part of the man you'ring area. >> is that likely to come out of this? >> i think it is. >> those nine of them would not exist if an organization called harbor safety committee
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had not recommended them to the coast guard. it turns out the committee will be meeting on thursday and this will be at the top of the list. from treasure island, wayne freedman abc 7 news. >> thank you. now, coming up abc 7 news i team has an expert on the weigh in of the prior shipping record to see if it is cause for concern here in the scheme of things at sea. >> turning to other news of the day a burglary ring busted thanks to alert neighbors caught four suspects in the act. officers descended on a neighborhood in eastern contra costa county this afternoon. police say a hoax had been robbed. neighbors told police they saw four suspects running off with valuables from the house, officer as rested three of them. and a nearby homeowner nab aid fourth suspect hiding in the garage at gun point. >> my neighbor's dog kept on
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barking so i looked in the garage and peeked and there he was. surprised me. >> yes. no kidding. four officers say that three of the four people were juveniles. police say the suspect stole electronics and jewelry from the home. >> police say an intruder was stabbed to death this morning. the tenant heard someone kicking in the front door, grabbed a shotgun, then confronting the suspect and two got into a scuffle. the dead man is a 54-year-old resident of pitsburg. >> tont tonight governor brown is tackling one of the toughest problems. for years, state prison system faced all sorts of issues from overcrowding to treatment of inmates. now, the governor says change is coming. abc 7 news nannette miranda has the story from sacramento. >> i am raring to go. i don't expect me to leave too
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soon. >> in the first public appearance since finishing treatment, governor brown wants to shake up california's troubles and severely overcrowded prison systems. he signed a proclamation declaring end of the prison crisis, filed court papers to terminate oversight of the care, and asked the judges to remove the population cap. pointing to thousands of pages in legal documents and reports and the millions spent to produce them over the years, governor brown says it's time to return prison controls back to california. >> we can't pour more dollars down the rat hole of n incarceration wex have to spend as much as we need but no more. >> california's prison problems began more than two decades ago. inmates filed a class action lawsuit. the court concluded overcrowding was a major contributor and sent a prison
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population cap. politicians have been reluctant to release criminals lirl because of concerns and fear of political ramifications. attorneys say they'll fight to keep the feds involved in mental health care because things have not improved behindçó bars. >> care in prison remains terrible. there are prisoners dying and committing suicide in alarming rates and independent analysis shows that those deaths could have been prevented with care. >> there are now 43,000 fewer inmates since 2006 and health care inside is better than what some get on the outside. >> i came here -- i am trying to fix this date crewed up for a long time. >> it's unclear how courts will respond. governor brown says california
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needs to start investing more in education than in prison. in sacramento abc 7 news. >> perhaps, one more note from sacramento. a bill is in the works to give state workers back a holiday. if it passes state government will shut down and instead for native american bayday. the move reyou've r storing a day lawmakers took away in 2009. they currently have 11 paid holidays each year. >> two new san francisco supervisors were sworn in today. >> congratulations. >> and there they are. london joined four reelected superviseors serving for the next four years. the board named david hsu as president for a third time. >> bay area medical marijuana dispensary billing itself as nation's largest has won another round senate fit to
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stay open and refused to order harborside health center to stop selling pot. the government tries to prove that sent jer illegal, and must close. the landlords in oakland and san jose say they're at risk as long as pot is sold in their building because the attorney threatened to seize the rental properties fit continues to operate. >> fbi agents spent a day excavating a well. the feds took over the search at request of the sheriff's department. remains of five people have been found in the area. all believed to be victims of two men on a killing spree in 19 80s and 90s. the family of 9-year-old michaela garecht is is waiting to see if dna could solve her missing persons case. she disappeared in 1988. >> a public memorial service will be held for a 19-year-old alisa byrnes.
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the memorial set for saturday at the alma ms s mater. she was last at a musical festival on new year's eve. her body found about a half mile from the si. an autopsy is underway. today's "los angeles times" reports tracks in the snow appear to show byrne became disoriented after leaving the event. >> today survivors of the deadly 2010 mass shooting in tucson, arizona gather forward a somber ceremony. bells tolled 19 times, six people were killed and 13 otherses wounded. 24-year-old jared laufner pleaded guilty. he was sent he yensed to life in prison without parole in november, last year.
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giffords and her husband are gun owners but launched an action committee today that will fight the gun lobby. >> that can happen to children in a classroom it's time to say... >> enough. >> giffords and her husband sat down with diane sawyer to reveal news about the new project. the couple americans for responsibility solutions initiative would help raise money to support gun control efforts. giffords tells sawer something must be done to reduce the problem in the united states. you can see it right after this newscast here on abc 7. >> some school employees in oakland have been forced out of headquarters because of a flood discover ntd second avenue building this morning. someone left a facet on in a closet. the district says it was an accident. about three gallons of water per minute poured out
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overnight. it damaged equipment and caused damage. the clean up expected to take several days. >> a lot more still to come at 5:00. the expert that you can now ski with at one resort. >> also bay area body shop owner busted for not saying shoddy repairs but putting lives at risk. >> abc 7 news sandhya patel. live from the roof of the kgotv broadcast center. it's beautiful now. but that about to change. some of the coldest air of the season is coming with light showers and possibly, flurries. i'll have details coming up. >> and we're going take you to san jose. the heart of technology turning into an old world trend. stay with us. i moved to new york to work in fashion. i came here with just a suitcase, maybe two. and luckily i found an apartment just three blocks away from t.j.maxx,
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which was perfect because i needed everything and i still needed to make rent. t.j.maxx is such a great place cause i know when i go in there i'm gonna score. they've got such great deals on all my favorite brands. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. this maxxinista can make it anywhere. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you.
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we have breaking news in oakland in merit pavilion campus. the hospital is out of water declaring what they call a code dry. code dry is a serious situation. that has cancelled surgeries. they cannot flush toilets and only able to give water to urgent patients. they're bringing in bottled water and setd up a command post. they're trying to solve the plumbing problem. >> an auto body shop owner going to jail for performing shoddy work on a crashed vehicle. he was found guilty of insurance fraud and grand theft today. sentenced to 120 days in jail. inspections say the work he did on that white bmw was so bad it was a safety hazard to drive. he didn't bother to replace
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several damaged parts. >> structural issue was frame rail still damaged and what they did is just covered it up with filler material or kbrond. >> -- bondo. >> anyone with work done can have repairs inspected for free. we have more information on abc 7 just look under see it on tv. >> leaders are trying to make the city more user friendly. more attractive as the place to visit, shop, and dine. outdoor dining is the center piece of the plan. abc p news is there live with the story. hi, karina. >> hi. yes. san jose long struggled to make downtown a lively place. and one i'd why on the table is to put more tables on the sidewalk. this award winning restaurant in downtown san jose. the own jerz something is
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missing. outdoor dining. >> right now, park lifts are the trending hot thing. >> you'll find a limb yitd number of the cafes in downtown san jose. most recrated by the city with redevelopment money. the owner was part of the original experiment, and loves the european flare. >> this worked for us but i think the money ran out. >> in thiser yark the city council is resurrecting the kons yet with a no brainer approach. stream line process and have business owners pay for the streets improvements themselves. >> those around the city getting out of the way. partnering more with the private sector. letting small businesses have freedom to do what they do best, which is serve the clients. >> there are drawings ready to go wants to create a
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atmosphere customers say they will enjoy. >> absolutely. i think it's a great idea to have outdoor dining. >> managers say for them, this isn't worth the results. >> if weather is not going to be great every day, we'd have to buy tables to have this seating. >> they expect a $25,000 investment to pay dividend autos we don't need just the sunlight to make a patio successful. we have heat lampes and lighting. we anticipate this will bring out revenue sales. >> the city council is expected to approve a pilot project that would authorize up to five businesses to move forward for plans for curbside cafes. >> streets targeted making price matching pledge a year
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round offer. it brought prices in line with other big box retailers and very popular with savings conscious consumers. and for the first time this year, they extend that had matching promise for items being sold on target says sales figures were qlor than expected blaming increased competition. >> most north koreans have never accessed the internet, ever. but today, the government came up with plenty to show of to eric schmidt, on a private visit to the area. the learn americans were shown students surfing the web and using google in a leading north korean university. schmidt is a long time advocate for internet freedom but access to the web is rare, and limited only to those with government permission. so they got a show there today. >> cam cal students may not
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have as many bubbles to fill in in the future, the top education professor unveiled a new system today supposed to emphasize a student critical thinking skills rather than having them just choosing best answer. the test measured progress in english and math and qualified teens for graduation. >> serious questions being raised by a little known online education program wrun by university of california. uc spent $4.3 million marketing uc online courses in hopes of getting nonusc students to enroll in web based classes for a fee. but the chronicle reports only one person has taken a class during that time. the university says the concept was launched in 2010 before other universities like stanford and harvard began giving them away for free. governor brown ordered regents to emplain them selfs and talk about this program next wednesday in a meeting.
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>> cruise planning to head off a possible flood in east palo alto. they packed about 10,000 sandbags today. today, they will line the bags in a levy that. >> u.s. forest service offering public a chance to ski with a ranger. the hour long program will be offered on mondays and fridays starting next friday. participants must purchase tickis and being intermediate levels or above skiers. >> love that idea. >> fantastic. >> all right. sandhya patel join us now. >> yes. she's up on the roof. sounds like cold is coming. >> yes. real cold, looking behind me, the wind is calm. we have high clouds.
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it's dry here, get ready to feel a drop in our hrts. right now, look at the sunset. south beach camera, looking towards sutro tower, it's spectacular. you can see high clouds moving through now. checking out our live doppler 7 hd we have low clouds around the coastline. and some higher clouds move nchlgt our radar down towards monterey bay will be tracking a cold system. here are the current temperatures. it's 49 degrees in fairfield. other areas into 50s. today's highs oakland up to 65 degrees. salinas close to 70. 68 degrees most nft bay area enjoyed mild weather. tonight, we're looking at
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patchy valley fog. afternoon showers and going to be turning colder thursday and friday. tonight you'll have to worry about patches of fog. see high clouds increasing. say farewell, it's all about to change. cold storms coming down from the gulf of alaska bringing scattered showers and really turning our air mass colder over the next couple days. tomorrow morning just clouds, as we head into about 1:00 hour, rain begins to develop in the north bay. scattered showers, could see lingering showers on thursday. heading into afternoon hours, sun breaks through. you'll feel the chill in the air, temperatures dropping
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10-15 degrees to thursday. rainfall totals not impref pressive from nothing to 15/100ths by thursday evening. and the snow levels will hover between 15/100ths to 2000 feet locally. don't be surprised if we get a light dusting of snow. we'll see snow up in the tahoe area tomorrow night. and into thursday, partly cloudy skies for friday. 51. tahoe, looking good by friday. tomorrow afternoon, cooler day. low to mid-50s around the region. we'll see scattered showers, cooler air mass continues into thursday. monterey bay, temperatures mid to upper 50s. checking out the accu-weather forecast, colder air coming in. that is not going to be the case. look at thursday, only into low 50s. cold morning friday. dry, saturday, sunday, now
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looking dry as you can see there. we'll see sunshine as highway ae head into next week. temperatures moderating. by the way, 49ers game this saturday night is going to be cold. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. bundle up incoming day autos we'll be cold at the game, but victorious. thank you very much. tonight jimmy kimmel makes a big move to an earlier time airing after abc 7 news at 11:00. abc 7 news morning anchor interviewed jimmy by satellite he says he's excited to go up against his long time idols but just going to be him sex he's kicking things off with a new set and a who's who list of stars beginning with jennifer aniston, tonight she's never been on the show before. so it will be fun to have her, then first couple weeks we have a great line up of ryan
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gosling, dr. oz, ellen degenerous. rob lowe, ray romano, mark wahlberg, big boy. should be a good start. >> jimmy kimmel airs tonight at 11:35 after aabc 7 news at 11:00 followed by "night line". we were down there shooting a promo with him. what a nice guy. >> love the promos. >> yes. fun guy. >> i can't wait to see that change. >> still to come, a move inspiring a gay boy scout that he will earn ranks he's working towards. >> then at 6:00 a bay area recycling facility gets recycled itself. what happened to some people who tried to stop it at 6:00. we'l
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a boy scout counsel refusing
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to -- a four member review board approved an 1818-year-old's application that now needs council approval before head together national office. the executive tells abc 7 news they can't vaer fi the decision he doesn't meet membership standards because of his sexual orientation. his father is disappointed. >> ryan did everything right in the board of review found in his favor z agrees he did everything right. he earned at ward. so... what they said this morning is confusing and a surprise to us. >> the family says they will keep fighting for rights of all gay scouts. >> anticipation for the upcoming baseball season hit high gear today with the start of the world series trophy victory tour. first stop for the championship trophy wooz at san -- sacramento city hall, san francisco fans could not
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wait to have their pictures taken with the trophy this, is the double play. 2010 trophies being shown off. the tour comes to the by area next week and continues hopping cities until opening day. it will make a stop in arizona for spring training. to find out whit stops in your city just check out the see it on tv section on abc 7 >> how much someone is that?
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hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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coming up at 6:00 search for answers in bay bridge tanker collision turns ugly. dan noyes runs into trouble when he went digging into the crash. and michael finney with some property tax advice how to avoid paying more than what you owe. those stories and more for you coming up on abc 7 news at 6:00. >> world news is coming up next. i'm cheryl jennings. >> and i'm dan ashley. from all of us here,
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this is "world news." tonight, gabby's fight. two years after the shooting in tucson, we sit down with former congresswoman gabby giffords and mark kelly. their news about stopping gun violence. and what we learned about the best and worst part of her day. tinderbox. the historic inferno blazing tonight. and a warning. how americans should prepare for the new record-breaking heat. restaurant reality. the menu gives calorie counts. we have a test in the lab. and, secret lives. a new camera revealing truly surprising things rare animals do and say by the light of the moon. watch it tonight. good evening.


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